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Li, M.L., Thackray, C. P., Lam, V. W. Y., Cheung, W. W. L., & Sunderland, E. M. Global fishing patterns amplify human exposures to methylmercury. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024, 121(40), e2405898121.
​Gillies, E. J., Li, M. L., Christensen, V., Hoover, C., Sora, K. J., Loseto, L. L., Cheung, W. W. L., Angot, H., & Giang, A. (2023). Exploring Drivers of Historic Mercury Trends in Beluga Whales Using an Ecosystem Modeling Approach. ACS Environmental Au, 2024, 235.
K. Sora; C. Wabnitz; N. Steiner; U. Sumaila; C. Hoover; A. Niemi; L. Loseto; ML Li; A. Giang; E. Gillies; G. Reygondeau; W. Cheung. Finding your niche: Historical climate drivers and species’ ecological niche in the Beaufort Sea Shelf and Slope food web. 2024. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsae062.
S Jung; L Besnard; ML Li; R Reinfelder; E Kim; SY Kwon; JH Kim. Interspecific variations in the internal mercury isotope dynamics of Antarctic penguins: implications for biomonitoring. Environmental Science & Technology. 2024, 58 (14), 6349–6358.
Tsz-Ki Tsui, M.; Kwon, S. Y.; Li, M. L.; Bishop, K. Revisiting the Relationship between Mercury Emission and Bioaccumulation. Eco-Environment Heal. 2023, 2 (1), 1–2.
Li, M. L.; Gillies, E.J.; Briner R.; Hoover C.A.; Sora K.J.; Loseto, L.L.; Walters, W.J.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Giang A. Investigating the dynamics of methylmercury bioaccumulation in the Beaufort Sea food web: a modeling perspective. 2022. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts.
Li, M. L.; Kwon, S.Y.; Poulin, B.; Tsui, M.; Motta, L; Cho, M. Internal dynamics and metabolism of mercury in biota: a review of insights from mercury stable isotopes. 2022. Environmental Science and Technology.
Jung, S.; Kwon, S. Y.; Li, M. L.; Yin, R.; Park, J. Elucidating sources of mercury in the west coast of Korea and the Chinese marginal seas using mercury stable isotopes. 2022. Science of The Total Environment, 814, 152598.
Yang, H., Yang, X., Ning, Z., Kwon, S.Y., Li, M.L., Tack, F.M., Kwon, E.E., Rinklebe, J. and Yin, R., 2021. The beneficial and hazardous effects of selenium on the health of the soil-plant-human system: an overview. 2022. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 422,126876.
M. Li, Y. Ota, P.J. Underwood, G. Reygondeau, K. Seto, D. A. Kroodsma, W.W. Cheung. Tracking industrial fishing activities in African waters from space. 2021. Fish and Fisheries 22 (4), 851-864. PDF
M. Li, N.A. Sutfin, M. Christie, M. Neelam, and J.A. Bradley. Making a Place for the Next Generation of Geoscientists. Eos. 2020. Weblink
M. Li, C.A. Juang, J.D. Ewald, B. Mikkelsen, R. Yin, D.P. Krabbenhoft, P.H. Balcom, C. Dassuncao, E.M. Sunderland. Selenium and stable mercury isotopes provide new insights into mercury toxicokinetics in pilot whales. 2020. Science of the Total Environment, 710, 136325. PDF
M. Li, D. Weis, K.E. Smith, A.E. Shiel, W. Smith, B.P.V. Hunt, A. Torchinsky, E.A. Pakhomov. Assessing lead contamination sources in the northeast Pacific Ocean. 2020. Anthropocene, 29, 100234. PDF
B.J. Lee, S.Y Kwon, R. Yin, M. Li, S. Jung, S.H. Lim, K.W. Kim, K.D. Kim, J.W. Jang. Internal dynamics of inorganic and methylmercury in a marine fish: Insights from mercury stable isotopes. Environmental Pollution 267 (2020): 115588.
M. Yi, R. Yin, K. Cai, C. Qin, J. Wang, H. Yan, M. Li. Primary amino acids affect the distribution of methylmercury rather than inorganic mercury among tissues of two farmed-raised fish species. 2019. Chemosphere, 225, 320. PDF
C. Dassuncao, H. Pickard, M. Pfohl, A. Tokranov, M. Li, B. Mikkelsen, A. Slitt, E.M. Sunderland. Phospholipid levels predict tissue distribution of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a marine mammal. 2019. Environmental Science and Technology Letter, 6 (3), 119-125. PDF
J. D. Ewald, J. Kirk, M. Li*, E.M. Sunderland*. Organ-specific differences in mercury speciation and accumulation in juvenile and adult ringed seals (Phoca hispida). 2019. Science of the Total Environment. PDF *Co-senior authors.
E.M. Sunderland, M. Li, K. Bullard. Global sources of methylmercury exposure from marine fish in the United States and recent changes in consumption patterns. 2018. Environmental Health Perspectives. PDF
D.J. Madigan*, M. Li*, R. Yin, H. Baumann, O.E. Snodgrass, H. Dewar, D.P. Krabbenhoft, Z. Baumann, N.S. Fisher, P.H. Balcom, E.M. Sunderland. Mercury stable isotopes reveal influence of foraging depth on mercury concentrations and growth in Pacific bluefin tuna. 2018. Environmental Science and Technology. PDF *Co-1st author.
K. von Stackelberg, M. Li, E.M. Sunderland. 2017. Results of a national survey of high-frequency fish consumers. Environmental Research. 158 (2017): 126-136. PDF
M. Li, A.T. Schartup, A.P. Valberg, J.D. Ewald, D.P. Krabbenhoft, R. Yin, P.H. Balcom, E.M. Sunderland. Investigate environmental origins of methylmercury accumulated in subarctic estuarine fish indicated by mercury stable isotopes. Environmental Science and Technology. 2016. 50 (21): 11559–11568. PDF
R.S.D. Calder, A.T. Schartup, M. Li, A.P. Valberg, P.H. Balcom, E.M. Sunderland. Future impacts of hydroelectric power development on methylmercury exposures of Canadian indigenous communities. Environmental Science and Technology. 2016. 50 (23): 13115–13122. PDF
M. Li, K. von Stackelberg, C. Rheinberger, J.K. Hammitt, D.P. Krabbenhoft, R.Yin, E.M. Sunderland. Insights from mercury stable isotopes into factors affecting the internal body burden of methylmercury in frequent fish consumers. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 2016. 4 (1), 000103. PDF
M. Li, L.S. Sherman, J.D. Blum, P. Grandjean, B. Mikkelsen, P. Weihe, E.M. Sunderland, J.P. Shine. Assessing sources of human methylmercury exposure using mercury stable isotopes. Environmental Science and Technology. 2014. 48 (15): 8800-8806. PDF
M. Li, D.M.Costello, G.A. Burton Jr. Interactive effects of phosphorus and copper on Hyalella azteca via periphyton in aquatic ecosystems. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. 2012. 83: 41-46. PDF

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