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Group Leader

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Mi-Ling Li  

Harvard University, Sc.D.

Assistant Professor

School of Marine Science and Policy
College of Earth, Ocean & Environment | University of Delaware
Phone: 302-831-2558
Address: 306 Robinson Hall • 261 S. College Ave, Newark, DE 19716

Lab and shipping address: Room 145, 15 Innovation Way, Newark, DE 19711 
Google Scholar
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Postdoc Fellows


Yingzhu Li


​Yingzhu is studying contaminant exposure in global subsistence fishing communities. She obtained a Ph.D. degree from University College Dublin in Ireland. She is recruited through the Ocean Nexus program.


​Rahat Riaz


​Rahat is involved in several projects studying the fate and transport of PFAS. She recently completed her first postdoc at the University of Helsinki after obtaining a Ph.D. degree from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan 

Graduate Students

Shannon Jones
Ph.D. student in Marine Bioscience. 
Shannon is studying PFAS food-web bioaccumulation. Before joining the group, she obtained a B.Sc. in Marine Biology from Northeastern University.

Juyoung Park
Ph.D. student in Water Science and Policy.
Juyoung is developing novel isotope tools for tracking the source and transformation of PFAS. Before coming to UD, she received a B.Sc. degree from the University of Seoul and M.Sc degree from Gwangju University of Science and Technology.


Natalie O'Hern
Ph.D. student in Water Science and Policy.
Natalie is studying the fate and transport of PFAS in coastal watersheds. She obtained a B.A. degree in Chemistry with a minor in Geoscience from Wellesley College.


Jacqueline Carroll
Ph.D. student in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Jackie is assessing recreational fishers' exposure to PFAS. She obtained a B.A. degree in Biology and B.S degree in Wildlife and Conservation Biology from the University of Rhode Island.

Undergraduate Researchers


Itzel Duran-Herrera


Shayna Demick


Genevieve Cordeiro

Contact us if you are interested

Lab Alumni

Graduate students

Ingrid Havron, M.Sc. in Marine Studies (2021-2024)
Ashley Pavia, M.Sc. in Marine Studies (2021-2023), now an Environmental Scientist at Envirospec Engineering, PLLC

Undergrad RA

Max Curello
Nicole Gutkowski, now a MSc student at Duke University

Anji Copper, now a M.Sc student at the University of Maryland
Renea Briner, NOAA affiliate in the Passive Acoustics Branch at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Tim Smoot, Marine Fisheries Ecology Intern in Mississippi State University

Summer students (via UD SOURCE program)

Cole Seifert (from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Sophia Vrh (from the University of South Carolina), Now at Cold Spring Harbor Lab

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